
Anorak News | Nguyen Duy Hai Has A 186lb Tumour On His Leg

Nguyen Duy Hai Has A 186lb Tumour On His Leg

by | 19th, June 2011

MR Nguyen Duy Hai has a 186lb (80kg) tumour. The 31-year-old Vietnamese suffers form a massive tumour growing on his right leg. The rest of the limb was amputation at the knee 14 years ago. But the tumour persists. Says he:

“I can’t do anything, I can only sit and lie down.”

All Anorak can add is that the man is appealing for funds for treatment – and that the vapid, needy, blank-faced, greedy celebs and their handlers who turn their orchestrated ‘pain’ into cash should read this and think on…

Posted: 19th, June 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink