PC Simon Harwood Will Face Old Bailey Trial For Death Of Ian Tomlinson – The Met Will Escape
PC Simon Harwood has been at the City of Westminster Magistrates Court, London. The Scotland Yard officer is accused of killing Ian Tomlinson at the G20 protests. He will stand trial for manslaughter at the Old Bailey. Pc Simon Harwood, a father of two, was bailed until October 17 for a plea and case management hearing.
Will justice be done? Or will Pc Harwood be the only copper made to answer to law for his part in a failed sytem. He did not work alone. Here is why his bosses at the Met should be charged, too…
File photo dated 1/4/2009 of an officer on duty in the City of London during clashes between police and protesters at the time of the G20 summit. In a report into the policing of the protests Her Majesty's Inspector of Constabulary, Denis O'Connor, says police are too focused on tackling violence and not enough on allowing peaceful protest.
Posted: 20th, June 2011 | In: Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink