
Anorak News | Nastasha Giggs Loses Face – Literally: More Ryan Giggs Sex News

Nastasha Giggs Loses Face – Literally: More Ryan Giggs Sex News

by | 22nd, June 2011

NATASHA Giggs is “Ryan’s Girl” on the Daily Star’s cover, a place the paper has awarded the Manchester United footballer in light of his services to the sensational headline where the twin pillars of football and sex collide. Today’s front-page headline says Natasha is in a state of “fury” over “SEX TRAITOR”.

The story goes:

RYAN GIGGS’s sister-in-law has threatened to kill the “little rat bitch” who blew the whistle on her affair with the football star. Estate agent Natasha Giggs, 28, revealed that she had now discovered the identity of the “pal” who exposed her eight-year affair with Manchester United ace Ryan Giggs.

Tsk! Some pal. You really can’t trust anyone these days, Tasha.

And in an astonishing Facebook rant, she raged: “Oooo just found out who my ‘pal’ is… little rat bitch! Hope it was worth the 40k. “Eeeee they’ll need a face transplant when I’ve finished with ’em. Karma does not come close! I’ll kill then name the little skank!”

Anorak cannot see the reported Facebook message. But if true, Natasha may also have to tip off her own face because she too has spoken to the media, recently telling Closer:

“I’ve been gutless and I feel guilty that my actions have blown my family apart. There’s no excuses – what I did was wrong, I don’t see myself as a victim.”

Is this the same woman threatening to rip off faces? Of course, faces can be overrated. A faceless Natasha could speak to the media with impunity as an “anonymous source“.

Super-injunctions… Who needs ’em?


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Stacey Cooke - the wife


Posted: 22nd, June 2011 | In: Sports Comment | TrackBack | Permalink