
Anorak News | Jackass V Westboro Baptist Church The Movie: Starring Ryan Dunn And Satan’s Red Hot Anal Probe

Jackass V Westboro Baptist Church The Movie: Starring Ryan Dunn And Satan’s Red Hot Anal Probe

by | 23rd, June 2011

WHEN Jackass member Ryan Dunn, the folks at the Westboro Baptist Church brought the might of their carefully considered opinions to bear on his funeral. A vote was taken, straws were broken and arcane incantations made to the gods of PR hell were made. And, lo, it came to pass the WBC will protest at the service. As the news goes:

The radical Westboro Baptist Church has announced plans to protest the funeral of “Jackass” star Ryan Dunn.

The Kansas-based organization, known for its stance against homosexuality and its protests at military funerals, sent out a press release touting that Dunn “is in hell.”

They know this. They just know.

According to the group, Dunn’s fatal car accident in West Goshen, Pa., on Monday was the result of his behavior on the MTV reality series and corresponding films, in which he was often seen engaging in crazy – and sometimes sexual – stunts.

Westboro deemed Dunn a “drab pervert” and accused him of promoting “porn-level filth… to get rich off a perverse generation.”

“In His wrath, God cut off this young man in the prime of his life, because he made a mock of sin, and taught his fellow man to grievously sin against God!” the release said.

Anorak sees it all now. This is a pilot for a TV show. Can mental fuckery compete with physical mayhem? Will the Jackass crew accept the challenge of having a WBC branded red-hot poker shoved up their bums? Will the WBC be convinced that the path to salvation is best navigated by a Corvette attached to your nipples with piano wife?

You know this will be a hit. Jackass, call me. I have ideas…

Do it for the kidzzzz:


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Posted: 23rd, June 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink