
Anorak News | Bieber’s Heavies Think They’re Above The Law In ‘Misunderstanding’

Bieber’s Heavies Think They’re Above The Law In ‘Misunderstanding’

by | 24th, June 2011

GYRATING period, Justin Bieber, has caused a near riot before setting his dastardly henchmen on the cops. Yep, you heard. Bieber is some kind of lunatic who thinks he’s above such small things as the law.

You see, what happened was Justin Bieber was launching his women’s fragrance (us neither. He’s also got a range of lady nail varnish out as well. Next week, Bieber sanitary towels) at Macy’s in New York City and it all went off. In the rumpus, Bieber was knocked to the ground, which made at least three people laugh.

Naturally, Bieber couldn’t just wave at his dangerous, death-threat sending fans from afar… he had to go and stir them up like a madman feeding hot screws to his rabid pitbull. The pint-sized singer deviated from previously agreed route he was supposed to take, making a man jump the barricade to help the hairless wonderboy.

One Bieber’s security team member wasn’t having some bloke – who turned out to be an undercover policeman – going near his child-boss, and started squaring up to the boy in blue. Of course, with everything going nutso around him, you could be forgiven for a little mistake like not recognising a policeman in plain clothes. However, the security member grabbed the cop and wouldn’t back off even when the policeman identified himself.

Bieber’s security man has now been summoned by the powers that be where they’ll presumable set him up with a wire so they can listen in on Bieber’s dastardly plans to take over the world.

Sadly, in all of this, Justin Bieber was not torn limb-from-limb by his bug-eyed fans.

Posted: 24th, June 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink