
Anorak News | That’s Vaginal Vagina Is Astrounding (Video)

That’s Vaginal Vagina Is Astrounding (Video)

by | 25th, June 2011

THE Vagina is good… No… Astounding… It’s vaginal. This is a viral marketing campaign from The Richards Group ad agency on behalf of their client Summer’s Eve, makers of vaginal cleaners. It is utterly awful. And that makes it entertaining. The only thing that could rescue this bad ad is if a chap who works for a toilet paper firm rocked up and used the cat to wipe his bum…

Here are some things that look like vaginal but aren’t…


Image 12 of 13


Spotter: Karen

Posted: 25th, June 2011 | In: The Consumer 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink