Peter Andre Risks Ridicule By Appearing On TV – And…
PETE Andre “risked ridicule” by appearing on TV, according to the Star.
True, no doubt – but what’s ‘news’ about that?
This time, however, there was indeed a novel aspect to the risk. The TV channel in question was QVC, and the gregarious Greek was offering his new single Perfect Night for £3.99 (including postage and packing).
To boost sales, he performed the song live, and urged his Twitter followers to tune in.
No official sales stats as yet, although the Star’s headline –
“PETER ANDRE SELLS SINGLE ON QVC” – suggests that he has already reached single figures.
Pete FTW!
British Prime Minister Tony Blair talks to singer Peter Andre during the EU enlargement: Unification of Europe - VIP Party, to celebrate the entry of 10 new countries into the European Union, at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London. Where Mr Blair launched the Crossroads for Ideas initiative, a joint project between the Foreign Office and the British Council. The scheme will bring some of the most talented young professionals from Central Europe - working in television, fashion, design, architecture, science, the environment and finance - to meet their British counterparts to exchange ideas, experiences and skills.
Posted: 29th, June 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink