
Anorak News | One Of The Kardashians Gets Called A Nasty Name In The Street By A Drunk, Which Is Fun

One Of The Kardashians Gets Called A Nasty Name In The Street By A Drunk, Which Is Fun

by | 5th, July 2011

LOOKING at the Kardashian sisters, it isn’t easy to tell which one is which. They’re all kinda identikit women with the same haircut, the same dress sense, same initials and a penchant for galling attention seeking. Basically, the only way to tell them apart is to grade them by sexual attraction, varying from ‘okay’ to ‘get back to me at the end of the evening’.

Kourtney Kardashian is somewhere between the two poles, being the sister that isn’t as famous as Kim, but certainly not as unattractive as Khloe.

Either way, some drunk saw Kourtney in the street and decided to scream ”bitch” at her in the street.

Writing on her twitter page, Kourtney explained:

“I love how I was walking nicely w my son in the Hamptons and a drunk whore yelled BITCH because I waved at her instead of saying hi. #classy (sic)”

Of course, calling someone a “whore” is the sign of an incredibly classy person, rising above namecalling people in a public forum.

This isn’t the first time one of the Kardashians has had a run-in with the public. Kim had a drink chucked over her while in a bar after a girlfriend either got jealous that her boyfriend was having her picture taken with the celebutante or thought that she’s simply chuck a drink at someone who is famous for absolutely no reason.

It won’t be the last time something like this happens, one assumes.


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Posted: 5th, July 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink