What’s More Hateful: Labour Outrage Or Tabloid Lies?
THE News of The World is dead and the worthy Liberal Left is going after the Sun. The hypocrisy is rank. Phones were tapped and privacy invaded – and all under the auspices of the Labour Government that curtailed our freedoms. Who trained the snoops? Who harvests your data? The Murdoch empire does not act alone.
Billy Bragg sings a song telling the free thinking not to buy the Sun because it is in the gutter and wrongly claimed that Liverpool football fans urinated on the dead at Hillsborough.
The Sun lates apologised for yelling:
“Some fans picked pockets of victims”
“Some fans urinated on the brave cops”
“Some fans beat up PC giving kiss of life”.
In Bragg’s world the Mirror gets nothing. The Labour Party supporting Mirror is not mentioned in the song.
This is the Mirror that:
Featured fake photos of British soldiers abusing prisoners in Iraq. In one snapshot a soldier was seen urinating on a hooded man.
At the time of writing, the Mirror is being held to account for its stories on Chris Jefferies, an innocent man monstered by the media.
On Monday, 22 January, 1934 the Mirror commanded its readers:
“Give the Blackshirts a helping hand.”
Look beyond the Daily Mail’s oft-cited headline ” HURRAH FOR THE BLACKSHIRTS”, and enjoy your trusty Mirror – a story retold by Chris Horrie in Tabloid Nation: From the birth of the Mirror to the death of the tabloid newspaper. His history of the Sun – Stick It Up Your Punter! The Rise and Fall of the Sun – is excellent.
Said the Mirror:
As a purely British organisation, the Blackshirts will respect those principles of tolerance which are traditional in British politics.
“The notion that a permanent reign of terror exists there (Germany) has been evolved entirely from their own morbid imaginations, fed by sensational propaganda from opponents of the party now in power.”
As Bragg knows, you pick a story, develop and angle and sell it…
BILLY BRAGG – NEVER BUY THE SUN from Billy Bragg on Vimeo.
Posted: 11th, July 2011 | In: Reviews 5 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink