Mental Joss Stone Men Appear In Court To Be Laughed At
STALKERS! We know you’re completely insane, but seriously, stalking and trying to kidnap Joss Stone? Really? That’s new levels of insanity… unless of course, you don’t love her at all and simply wanted to ensure that there would be no more Joss Stone records in the world.
The latter makes this whole prospect rather difficult when choosing sides.
If you don’t remember, two men were arrested on suspicion of a conspiracy to rob and conspiracy to murder Joss Stone. Apparently, this pair of berks had swords, rope and a body bag as well detailed maps and aerial photos of Stone’s house.
And now, the two men have appeared in court. Junior Bradshaw and Kevin Liverpool, both from Manchester, appeared for a preliminary hearing at Exeter Crown Court charged with conspiracy to commit robbery and grievous bodily harm.
Weirdly enough, Stone has said she’s “absolutely fine” and “getting on with life as normal” following the arrest of these two oddjobs. It’s weird because she is quite clearly a bit looney herself, with her transatlantic accent and erratic behaviour.
You do have to assume that her would-be attackers go their ideas from the lady herself, in this awful, awful, awful, awful, awful, awful video.
Posted: 15th, July 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink