Victoria Beckham Spends £3000 On Stretch Mark Cream – Still Of No Fixed Talent
WHEN Victoria Beckham had her bouncing bundle of inevitable disappointment, the world sighed and was glad that she’d finally had a baby girl, so we could all officially stop caring. The last bit of fun we were to have was with her and her husband David’s decision to call her Harper Seven, which sounds like the seventh sequel to a cheap ’70s sci-fi show.
However, pregnancy and Victoria Beckham don’t mix. She certainly didn’t want to actually push the baby from out of her lady front bum, preferring to have it hacked out with shears or whatever it is they do in the hospitals these days.
But at least she got that lovely glow of pregnancy that all women enjoy at some point, right?
It’s rumoured that The Artist Formerly Known As Posh Spice did nothing but stare at her extended stomach and grow increasingly weary, prompting her to fork out on over £3,000’s worth of stretch mark cream.
This was to ensure that her weirdly insectoid frame stayed just as it was.
And what is this cream? Apparently, it’s called Rodial Stretch MX Cream which costs £59 per bottle. £3000’s worth means she was probably bathing in the stuff, submerging herself under it all with a little diamond encrusted snorkel peeping from beneath.
Now, where do we buy cream to clear up those wretched cesarean scars…
Posted: 15th, July 2011 | In: Celebrities 21 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink