
Anorak News | Did Chinese Watermelon Make Shun Shun The Dog Grow Four Ears?

Did Chinese Watermelon Make Shun Shun The Dog Grow Four Ears?

by | 21st, July 2011

CAN any of you guess where a dog with four ears has been found? No. Not North Korea – although trade in four-eared dogs between the land that time forgot and China shold be brisk.

Shun Shun is the four-eared dog found in China, a place blessed with the unusual.

The dog’s owner, Peng Qiang, from Wulumuqi, Xinjiang province, tells media:

“Originally we didn’t spot any difference until six months ago when he started to grow another pair of ears behind the original ears.”

Peng reveals that Shun Shun loves to eat tomatoes and watermelon.

You have been warned. And it might be best to avoid the water…

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Posted: 21st, July 2011 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink