
Anorak News | Arnold Schwarzenegger Won’t Be Supporting Shriver, Despite Their Son Being Nearly Dead

Arnold Schwarzenegger Won’t Be Supporting Shriver, Despite Their Son Being Nearly Dead

by | 22nd, July 2011

IT’S bad enough that Arnold Schwarzenegger had it away with the maid and worse still that he didn’t use contraception, leaving him with a secret love child which he kept under wraps for over a decade. Then, Arnie’s wife – Maria Shriver – found out and his marriage, understandably, dissipated into the ether.

So you’d think that Arnold would be willing to pay his way to his family by way of apology, right?


See, in Round One of divorce proceedings, it appears that Arnie doesn’t want to pay Shriver spousal support, which under the circumstances, seems plain mean.

What makes it worse is that their 13-year-old son, Christopher, is in a bad way in the hospital after a particularly nasty surfing accident.

Christopher has multiple broken bones and a collapsed lung as a result of this accident in Malibu, with Maria being the one keeping vigil at the bedside.

And there’s Schwarzenegger, a man who said he cared for his people while in government, doing sod-all to help…

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Posted: 22nd, July 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink