Alien Monkey Only Eats Peaches In China (Photo)
TO Gezhai village, Henan Province, China, to see the alien monkey. Local woman Mao Xiping sees his “alien face”. She call the police to arrest it.
Says Ms Mao:
“At first I thought it was a rabbit, then I was shocked to see it had an alien face. My neighbours agreed it was like nothing we’d seen before. It stopped eating cucumbers when we gave it peaches and now it won’t eat anything else.”
Locals in a small Canadian town have been stumped by the appearance of a bizarre creature, which was dragged from a lake. The animal, which has a long hairy body with bald skin on its head, feet and face, has prompted wild internet speculation that it is a more evolved version of the famous 'Montauk monster'. The creature was discovered by two nurses in the town of Kitchenuhmaykoosib in Ontario, Canada, while out on a walk with their dog.
Posted: 23rd, July 2011 | In: Strange But True 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink