Michael Jackson’s Trial Won’t Have Video Thanks To Worried Businessmen
WHILE Michael Jackson’s relatives cash-in on the interest surrounding the imminent trial of Dr Conrad Murray and his magical propofol, everyone has eyes squarely on the courtroom.
Will it be televised? Will Jackson’s naked body be displayed on air (you can titter, but this is a genuine possibility)? Will Dr Conrad Murray ever get anything close to a fair trial thanks to constant media coverage and opinion?
Either way, raw film footage of Michael Jackson rehearsing a planned concert in the days before his death isn’t going to be shown to the jury after a ruling from a Los Angeles judge, which is bad news for the prosecutors.
See, they wanted to show some of the unedited footage from the ‘This Is It’ film to show just how fit and well Jackson was before he died of a drug overdose in June 2009. Of course, attorneys for Dr. Conrad Murrayare likely to argue that he was in a bad way in his final days.
So why is the footage not being shown? For some technicality or legal reason? Absolutely not. This is America and it is all about the dollar, dollar. Basically, Sony don’t want anyone to see any footage because it might hurt its potential commercial value.
Judge Michael Pastor made the ruling on Monday, hopefully sat on a large bung, and said that it would not help the defence and that “it was a waste of my time.”
Murray has pleaded not guilty and all the Michael Jackson fans are insane and want him behind bars regardless of the truth. Elsewhere, news breaks that the Earth is still round.
Posted: 26th, July 2011 | In: Celebrities 6 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink