
Anorak News | Man Gets Milk Bottle Stuck Up Anus In Failed Bid To Cure Constipation

Man Gets Milk Bottle Stuck Up Anus In Failed Bid To Cure Constipation

by | 28th, July 2011

X RAY of The Day: To Zhuai, China, where a 60-year-old man has inserted a milk bottle up his anus. Silver top, homogenised or semi-skimmed, we do not know.

He tells hospital staff that he inserted a milk bottle up his bum to cure his constipation.

Anorak imagines this blockage was caused by a carton of orange juice, a few sachets of long life milk, or whatever else the milkman has on his trolley.

Remember this vicar? The woman who fell on a can of hairspray. And how a fence can work its way up there?

Good morning, Baltimore

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IRELA Gradinaru, 37, arrived at the clinic in Arad, western Romania, with a can of hairspray stuffed up her rectum. Mirandolina Prisca, a doctor at the clinic, tells us: “We had X-rays done to localise the object and then we carried out the operation. The patient was fine after it. She was very embarrassed. She was clearly in a lot of pain, however it got there.”

Spotter: Karen

Posted: 28th, July 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink