
Anorak News | Is It Weird That Amy Winehouse’s Clothes Were Being Handed Out To Grievers?

Is It Weird That Amy Winehouse’s Clothes Were Being Handed Out To Grievers?

by | 29th, July 2011

AMY WINEHOUSE’S death wasn’t pleasant at all. It’s always terribly sad when a young person dies, regardless of status or dependency on drugs.

And the general response has been pretty touching and pleasingly without too much hysteria. There was a quiet acknowledgement that, while her passing was sad, it wasn’t exactly surprising.

Fans gathered to have an impromptu wake near her house, disturbing the neighbourhood – which Amy would’ve invariably enjoyed.

However, in all this, something vaguely odd happened. Winehouse’s family started to hand out the singer’s clothes to those holding vigil at her London home.

Mitch Winehouse turned up at the property to again thank fans for their support and tributes and, as the strangest of gifts, started to remove items owned by the late singer to hand them out to fans. Vests, sunglasses and trinkets got handed over, which seems incredibly generous and kind, but a little strange.

Or is it just us?


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A note on a floral tribute left outside the home of singer Amy Winehouse in Camden Square in north London, where the singer was found dead yesterday.

Posted: 29th, July 2011 | In: Celebrities Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink