
Anorak News | Sara Payne, Rebekah Brooks And Government Spooks Are Worried

Sara Payne, Rebekah Brooks And Government Spooks Are Worried

by | 29th, July 2011

HOW long before the Ginger Tabby is openly re-employed by the Murdoch’s?
As the Red Tops and broadsheets join with the broadcast media to rave about Sara Payne’s phone being tapped by (allegedly) The News of the World/News International/The Sun or perhaps Mirror-Trinity (or anyone else who happened to be paying for Glenn Mulcaire’s favours that day) it is worth examining exactly what has been revealed.

Sara Payne’s (today said to be ‘devastated‘) contact details were found in notes which list a phone given to Ms Payne as a gift by News of the World and Sun former editor Rebekah Brooks, who resigned as News International chief executive earlier this month. There is no police allegation.

Glenn Muclaire had details of a phone which was given given to Sara so she could stay in in touch with the Sun’s top cat our very own Ginger Tabby Rebekah Brooks.

The number would not have been secret (or was it?). If only Rebekah and her close entourage had the number then things look black.

Rebekah is today quoted as being “shocked” by most of the UK media but is that shocked over discovery or exposure?

The saving grace is the voice mail function on Sara’s phone was allegedly not activated by her until 18 months ago.

Then comes the crunch question. If the voice mail was not in use and the police are now hinting at an actual tapping operation who is doing what to get that information?

The whole game has just been raised to a higher level and gets closer to the Government spooks’ top drawer of skills.

Expect to see an X-Box version of the tale very soon which will reveal just how it is done.

It would probably also be wise to remain nervous about leaving personal information and photographs for all to copy on Two-Facebook.

Anyone like to hazard a guess when Rebekah is re-hired?
You could go for the treble:

When hired?
Which Murdoch company?
Who is sacrificed to make the Tabby’s basket clean?

Good luck!


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File photo dated 08/10/02 of Rebekah Wade (left) standing next to Sara Payne, as the mother of murdered Sarah Payne has been told by detectives that her contact details are on a list compiled by a private investigator used by the News of the World, her friend Shy Keenan said.

Posted: 29th, July 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews 4 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink