
Anorak News | PJ Harvey Doesn’t Like New Bands And Thinks New Music Is Dull (Which Is Rich)

PJ Harvey Doesn’t Like New Bands And Thinks New Music Is Dull (Which Is Rich)

by | 12th, August 2011

FOX-HUNTING supporter and Mercury-nominated (we’re legally obliged to write that in sadly) PJ Harvey has branded modern music ‘dull’ and ‘unoriginal’ despite making tedious LPs that lean far too heavily on whatever the alt.zeitgeist of the day is in the first place.

Speaking to the NME, Polly Harvey said:

“Not for a lack of knowing it exists, but because I find nothing that interests me.”

Okay. All those brilliant and vital new bands that are constantly emerging – perhaps not to great commercial success – are all dull and uninspiring. So what’s the solution then?

“I listen to older artists, The Doors and things that excite me, and I find very little that excites me that’s happening today.”

“It’s largely unoriginal. I think mostly that’s the reason, because I’ve already heard it a hundred times better before, and it doesn’t speak to my soul. For my own personal taste there’s nothing that grabs me and makes me want to go out and do more investigation into this music.”

So it’s better to listen to the vague dribblings of a Philosophy 101 boob-head hippie Adonis rather than find anything new in the world? That’s just brilliant that is.

Of course, PJ Harvey isn’t too original herself, aping American sludge acts when she was all ‘Rid Of Me’, before leaning far too heavily on Patti Smith (also overrated), before recently copying everyone’s interest in folk music by messing around with a harp.

What PJ Harvey might actually mean is that she’s noticed that rock music is dead in the water and she can’t allow herself to delve into pop music as a point of principle. We suggest that she gets down the local record shop and talk to some people who really know what’s shaking.

And no, we’re not going to give tip-offs for new bands here unless they pay us some advertising money.

Posted: 12th, August 2011 | In: Music 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink