Amy Winehouse’s Love Of Casual Sex Renders Lady Gaga Speechless
LADY Gaga say that upon hearing the news that Amy Winehouse had died she was struck dumb. Now recovered, Gaga is able to tell US TV of her pain and rare sensitivity:
“I am just so devastated and so sad and I really could not speak for 48 hours straight I was in such shock.”
Gaga then says Winehouse was “the most lovely and nice and kind woman“.
Was she? Wasn’t she who said:
“I believe in casual sex. I know it’s sad that I think cheating on people is fine. But I think it’s like smoking a spliff. Oops, I’ve gobbed on myself!”
“Me and my best friend Juliet started our first ever band, Sweet ‘n’ Sour. We were rappers. I was Sour, of course.”
“Yeah, I know. I hate them fuckers, man. I’ve not seen anyone from the record company since the album came out and I know why … ‘cos they’re scared of me.”
Lovely. Nice. Kind. Keep your platitudes and your hackneyed words for one of your songs and daytime telly, Lady Gaga.
We don’t know what Winehouse was like in private. We never met her. We know Winehouse only by her reputation and her music. Lady Gaga knows Winehouse intimately – despite never having met the Londoner nor spoken openly about the huge influence she had on her own career before dear Amy died and rolled around to the top of the news cycle…
Posted: 2nd, August 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink