
Anorak News | Lady GaGa Is Going To Show You EVERYTHING In Her New Book (One Star One Cup)

Lady GaGa Is Going To Show You EVERYTHING In Her New Book (One Star One Cup)

by | 3rd, August 2011

THERE have been many comparisons between Lady GaGa and Madonna. No bad thing. Rock bands don’t mind being compared to rock’s great and good, so why should it be any different for pop stars?

Well, that’s maybe because pop is supposed to push the envelope hard whereas rock can idly sit around in its pants picking crisps out of its stomach rolls.

Either way, if Madge is losing it, GaGa is taking it. And while her camp pop has stormed pretty much every chart on Earth and her tours have managed to be bigger and weirder than anything Madonna took on the road, soon we’ll all have something else to compare them with.

A book.

Of course, Madonna released ‘SEX’ which caused a whole bunch of controversy, thanks to a lot of nudity… and it seems GaGa could well do the same as she’s promising to show us everything. EVERYTHING.

The hitmaker says that the new book, which will feature 350 black and white pictures taken by American fashion photographer Terry Richardson over a 10-month period – will be “completely unfiltered” and even feature intimate moments.

“Terry was with me for [almost] a whole year, and, gosh, I didn’t hold anything back from Terry … he was with me every minute, every moment.

“It’s completely unfiltered. He has photographs of me waking up in the morning, brushing my teeth, in the bathroom, in the bathtub, the shower. And the thing about Terry, if you know anything about his photography, is that nothing is staged; I mean, that’s sort of what he is renowned for. He can get you to do things and he can capture things that no one can ever capture.”

These pictures also include her urinating into a cup. No. Honestly.


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Posted: 3rd, August 2011 | In: Celebrities 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink