
Anorak News | Kelly Osbourne Calls Christina Aguilera ‘Fat’ While Everyone Bites Knuckles

Kelly Osbourne Calls Christina Aguilera ‘Fat’ While Everyone Bites Knuckles

by | 4th, August 2011

REMEMBER when Kelly Osbourne was some kind of (self proclaimed) voice for the disaffected kids of the world. Y’know, those kids who were a bit different or those that got bullied for being fat or ugly.

Well, now she’s calling Christina Aguilera ‘fat’.

It seems everyone has got it in for Xtina at the moment (Christ knows why. Surely people aren’t still irked by her fluffing of the American National Anthem at the Super Bowl?) with Joan Rivers noting that Aguilera looked “stuffed into” a little black dress… and now  Osbourne is throwing her *ahem* weight around.

Osbourne says:

“Maybe she is just becoming the fat witch she was born to be. I don’t know. She was a c*** to me. And she bought my house!”

“She called me fat for so many (expletive) years, so you know what? (Forget) you! You’re fat too.”

It’s easy to throw insults like that around when you’ve lost 50-odd pounds during a woeful stint in Dancing With the Stars.

People in glass houses Kelly, people in glass houses…

Posted: 4th, August 2011 | In: Celebrities 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink