The Hideous Americanisation Of British Football: It’s The Premier League Face Off Smack Down
THE domestic football season kicks off this weekend. Unless you are planning to watch Match of the Day Live on Sunday, in which case, according to the BBC website, you will see ‘West Ham face off against Cardiff’.
Face off? FACE OFF?!!
What fresh hell is this?
Some heinous import from American ‘hockey’, presumably. Or ice hockey, as it is more properly known.
And the website will no doubt give full details of who’s ON the team, and whether they play OFFence or DEEfence.
And the commentator will wonder who will STEP UP TO THE PLATE when the first penalty kick is awarded.
Face off? Do me a favour. As Chas and Dave asked, many moons ago: don’t anyone speak English any more?
By ‘The Angry Red Tomato’
Posted: 5th, August 2011 | In: Key Posts, Sports 6 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink