
Anorak News | Magical Cloud Lands On United Arab Emirates: Video Of Wonder

Magical Cloud Lands On United Arab Emirates: Video Of Wonder

by | 6th, August 2011

AN incredible magick cloud has been captured on camera over the sands of the United Arab Emirates. Unable to see the face of The Prophet Mohammed in frying pans and nan breads  (he’s no Jesus), the locals seek miracles elsewhere. A loal man has captured the wonder of a cloud defying the rules of gravity and falling from the sky to settle on the ground.

As reported:

The 3.5-minute film showed the small white cloud flying low above the green ground like a massive piece of cotton before taking a downward direction and falling off to settle on a fence in the fertile Bida Faris area just outside the eastern oasis town of Al-Ain.

The man informs us:

“I could not have believed this hadn’t I seen it and captured it. I believe this is a miracle that illustrates God’s power.”

In other news, Osman’s foam party begins at 7pm sharp…

Posted: 6th, August 2011 | In: Strange But True Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink