
Anorak News | Tottenham Riot: Twitter Readers Fear Daily Mail Fanned Violence (Photos)

Tottenham Riot: Twitter Readers Fear Daily Mail Fanned Violence (Photos)

by | 7th, August 2011

THE Daily Mail says the rioting that followed Mark Duggan’s death in Tottenham (a man the paper calls a “gangster”) was sparked by Twitter…maybe. One caption to a  photo of the car-b-cue calls it ‘Twitter Riot‘ (see left). The paper yells:

Fears that violence was fanned by Twitter as picture of burning police car was re-tweeted more than 100 times

Forget guns and a sense of estrangement from power – the real menace is Twitter.

It takes two writers, Ian Gallagher and Steve Farrell to create the lines:

There was concern that the disturbances were fanned by Twitter, with some of those taking part posting inflammatory comments from the scene and calling for reinforcements.

Concern? From whom? Anorak is concerned that it put up photos of the ruining earlier than most. Did we fan the rioting? Did the Mail? Say the hacks:

One picture of a police car on fire in the area was re-tweeted more than 100 times on the social networking site within an hour.

If you want to see what burning police car looks like you can do so in our photos – and on the Mail’s inflammatory website (seen by thousands)…


Image 2 of 31

Posted: 7th, August 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink