Alec Baldwin To Challenge Kesley Grammer In Surreal Mayoral Race
AMERICA is stupid. Brilliantly stupid. They’ve got guns, burgers and robot teeth. They also have celebrities in positions of power. Ronald Reagan was president ferchrissakes!
And now, we’ve got a fabulously surreal mayoral race in the offing as Alec Baldwin could well be taking on Kelsey Grammer to become King of New York City!
Baldwin has insisted that he’ll run for Mayor of New York one day. He’s a native of Long Island and life-long liberal, and would be an excellent foe for Kelsey who is right of the wing.
Grammer (or Sideshow Bob if you prefer) told the New York Post that he had the required “narcissistic personality” and “resilient ego” for politics. He’s a visible endorser of many Republican candidates too and sidled up to George Dubya when he was elected for his second (dubious) term.
Of course, this would be the best political face-off in history. They’re both obvious fans of entertaining a crowd and would be essential viewing in a televised debate.
Please make this happen. If not, someone write a show for them to be make-believe political jerk-offs!
Next week: Marvin the Martian announces his intention to blow up Earth.
Posted: 10th, August 2011 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink