
Anorak News | Man Arrested At McDonald’s Was Popping Spots On His Back

Man Arrested At McDonald’s Was Popping Spots On His Back

by | 13th, August 2011

OWEN Lemire Kato, 23, of Port Charlotte, has been arrested at the McDonald’s at 2404 Santa Barbara Blvd. That’s him stood by the door bursting the spots on his back.

Diners were revolted. (Yep – even Micky D eaters have their limits.)

Police came. Kato legged it. And they finally caught him he had some drugs in his pockets.

But let us not be too harsh on the chap. As reader Karen says:

It could be worse – he could have been popping the server’s zits.

And have you ever seen the sin on an adolescent burger cow..?

Posted: 13th, August 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink