
Anorak News | Gerard Depardieu Decides To Take A Wazz On A Flight, Which Is Understandable

Gerard Depardieu Decides To Take A Wazz On A Flight, Which Is Understandable

by | 17th, August 2011

WHAT would you do if you really needed to go to the toilet, but you found yourself stuck on a plane that wasn’t moving? You’d ask a steward/ess if you could go to the ‘rest room’ for ‘a rest’ wouldn’t you?

What happens if that flight attendant say “Non.”

Well, if you are called Gerard Depardieu, you’d flop your old chap out and take a long, drunken piss in the aisle of the plane. That’s exactly what you’d do because that’s precisely what has happened on an Air France flight.

Sadly for the carpet of the Air France flight from Paris to Dublin, the seat belt sign had been switched on for take off, thereby closing the lavatories. The plane would’ve needed to be airborne before Depardieu would be able to widdle, which would have been 15 minutes away.

This is why he thought it best to get his dick out before a bunch of passengers and relieve himself right there and then. What could possibly be wrong in that?

Alas, the crew didn’t take kindly to the prospect of mopping up Gerard’s slash, and so, got the plane to taxi back to the terminal for a clean-up while tough guys dragged the actor away to ask him what in God’s name he was thinking.

Hardly surprising really when you consider that Depardieu once knocked out a paparazzo with a headbutt, once called a TV hack ‘a slut’, referred to his fellow countrymen as ‘cretins’ and referred to himself as “a piece of garbage.”

Posted: 17th, August 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 7 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink