
Anorak News | Photos Of Brad Filming World War Z In Glasgow: The Americans Are Coming To Take Us Away

Photos Of Brad Filming World War Z In Glasgow: The Americans Are Coming To Take Us Away

by | 17th, August 2011

BRAD Pitt was spotted filming World War Z near George Square, Glasgow. Before we spotted Mr Angelina Jolie, we spotted the US-style police car on the street. Was this, we thought, the introduction of hardcore US policing that David Cameron had mooted for his Bullingdon Britain? Would we be shot in the face for jaywalking? Thankfully, not yet – the rains came and the big American zebra crossing washed away. And then we spotted Brad. And we knew that things were going to be OK – especially if he adopted us. C’mon Brad – pick a Scottish kid and take him to America. C’mon, Big Man, wadda yer say..? You can’t live of deep-fried crickets for ever. You need a Mars Bar…battered…


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Rain washes away newly painted streets, painted for the filming of World War Z in George Square, Glasgow.

Posted: 17th, August 2011 | In: Film 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink