
Anorak News | How Gwyneth Paltrow Foiled The 7/11 Bombers – A True Life Sliding Doors Tale

How Gwyneth Paltrow Foiled The 7/11 Bombers – A True Life Sliding Doors Tale

by | 18th, August 2011

JUST as Anorak was thinking how it could make Gwyneth Paltow appreciate herself more – and we were coming up short – a woman called Lara Lundstrom tells The Morton Report that on September 11, 2001, Gwynnie saved her life.

“It was one of those mornings that felt good, you had a little skip in your step. What the heck – I always cut across 7th Avenue. Then all of the sudden a silver Mercedes SUV came barreling down towards me. I stopped and they screeched to a halt. Then it developed in to one of those classic who-goes-first situations. It got ridiculous. Then I made eye contact with the Mercedes driver. OMG it was Gwyneth Paltrow.”

Driving. No driver? Crazy day, indeed. Go on:

“I knew she lived down the street, so it made sense. She waved me across, I crossed and she continued on her way. At least if I was late for work I had a story to tell.” She raced to the subway, hurtled down the stairs to the platform only to watch the doors of the 1/9 slam shut. She had no idea she had just experienced her own real life Sliding Doors moment, the movie starring Paltrow about a chance romantic encounter that depended on whether or not she caught a subway train.

“At that time I was annoyed at everything that had made me late that day, including Gwyneth Paltrow,” Lara recalls.

And Paltrow chauffeur. Where the hell was he?!

Since that terrible day, Lara has lived with two dreams: one recurrent nightmare where she perishes in the towers, the other where she thanks Gwyneth Paltrow for saving her life. It was her true-life Sliding Doors moment, an encounter that saved her life..

The third nightmare – too painful to retell – is that she is knocked unconscious by Paltrow and falls into a coma. Gwynnie then attempts to save Lara’s life by singing to her and paying medics to play tapes of that singing on loop. Paltrow also spends hours at a time reading to the prone and helpless Lara from her Book of Goop. All Lara can move is an eyelid. Think Chief Inspector Dreyfus in the Pink Panther films.

Says Lara:

“If I had made that train I would have been at my desk on the 77th floor of 2 World Trade center,” says Lara. She has now written that letter, reminding the Oscar-winning actress of their chance meeting on the street and the dramatic impact on her life.

Paltrow might prefer not to recall the time she drove herself – it being so very painful a day…


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Spotter: D-listed


Posted: 18th, August 2011 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink