
Anorak News | Allister Heath Is Beyond Parody: City Am Editor Blames Greed And Arrogance For London Riots (City Boys Carry On)

Allister Heath Is Beyond Parody: City Am Editor Blames Greed And Arrogance For London Riots (City Boys Carry On)

by | 19th, August 2011

ALLISTER Heath is the editor of London’s City A.M. It’s a free news sheet that’s handed out to bankers and baking types. His views on the London Riots are beyond parody:

FEAR. Debilitating, widespread fear. The country held to ransom by feckless youths. Thousands of shocked Londoners cowering in their homes, with many shops, banks and offices shutting early. I cannot remember anything like it; the atrocities of the 7/7 terror attacks, the shock from 9/11 and the IRA’s repeated terrorist attacks had a chilling, devastating effect on the capital but it felt different this time…

The cause of the riots is the looters; opportunistic, greedy, arrogant and amoral young criminals who believe that they have the right to steal, burn and destroy other people’s property… There were no extenuating circumstances, no excuses…

He then goes on to offer lots of excuses:

…decades of failed social, educational, family and microeconomic policies, which means that a large chunk of the UK has become alienated from mainstream society, culturally impoverished, bereft of role models, permanently workless and trapped and dependent on welfare or the shadow economy. For this the establishment and the dominant politically correct ideology are to blame… a failure of policing and criminal justice

And then the money shot:

They were driven by greed, a culture of entitlement, of rights without responsibility, combined with a complete detachment from traditional morality… it was thievery…

Those are the highlights. The entire piece is almost unreadable – were it not for raw comedy value.

To paraphrase this women: you treat them like big swinging dicks, they behave like big swinging dicks…


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Posted: 19th, August 2011 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink