
Anorak News | Troll Kid: The Best Thing To Emerge From Kim Kardashian’s Pointless Wedding

Troll Kid: The Best Thing To Emerge From Kim Kardashian’s Pointless Wedding

by | 23rd, August 2011

WE know that you don’t care a hoot about Kim Kardashian’s wedding to hoop bothering Kris Humphries. We know that you couldn’t care less about who made her dress, how much her ring cost and whether she had sodden tuna rolls at the reception buffet.

This is why we’re effectively ignoring it all in favour of showing you some cheeky kid who got on the news coverage of the wedding by pulling a variety of brilliantly puerile faces.

In his backward baseball cap, the trolling tinker unassumingly appears in shot, looking like butter wouldn’t melt.

However, like a pro, he begins mugging behind the reporter and starts jumping around in traffic. He then pulls a variety of faces that Bart Simpson would be proud of.

Of course, the balloon brained reporter doesn’t have a clue and continues to give us the pointless news about some idiot’s wedding.

Posted: 23rd, August 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink