
Anorak News | Amy Winehouse And Tony Bennett’s Duet Appears Online – Have A Listen

Amy Winehouse And Tony Bennett’s Duet Appears Online – Have A Listen

by | 23rd, August 2011

HAHAHA! Wasn’t it funny when a young woman died after battling with the pain that once made great tunes ended up eating her whole! Really funny! She wasn’t even in her thirties! WHAT A RIOT! AMY WINEHOUSE WAS MENTALLY ILL! HA HA HA!

Of course, it really isn’t funny when a young talented woman dies, but if it wasn’t for our collective gallows humour, we’d probably spend all day crying.

We may still have our chance to weep like emo-babies because it’s pretty obvious that Amy Winehouse’s record label will be eyeing up a load of half-assed demos and looking at making a pretty penny on them. That said, not all posthumous releases are going to be lame as a short clip of the leaked Amy Winehouse duet with Tony Bennett has appeared online.

The track is their reading of ‘Body And Soul’ and will be released on September 20th and Amy sounds in fine Billy Holiday voice.

And lovely Tony Bennett says that the proceeds from sales will go towards a foundation established in the late singer’s name by her father, Mitch:

“What’s going to happen is that we’re putting that out ahead of the album. And it’s going to a foundation that her father started to teach all the young children not to take drugs, and all the royalties of the record will go to that.”

Have a listen here

Posted: 23rd, August 2011 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink