
Anorak News | Celebrity Big Brother: The Cracks Start To Show With Bobby ‘Who?’ Sabel’s Rant Against Z Listers

Celebrity Big Brother: The Cracks Start To Show With Bobby ‘Who?’ Sabel’s Rant Against Z Listers

by | 23rd, August 2011

WHO?! Bobby Sabel is a model, dufus. He’s paid to do little more than be a vacuous thing to occupy clothes while people take photos of him. Of course, he’s every right to slate others for being gits.

And that’s exactly what he did in a late-night whine about Amy Childs, Kerry Katona and Darryn Lyons while smoking tabs in the Big Brother garden.

Offering sagely advice to Lucious Landiplop, Sabel said:

“I think [Amy] will bleed you dry for everything you’re worth… She’d absolutely use you. She’d use you for the press.

“Don’t go there. You’re better than that. You’re smarter than that.”

Mercifully for Lucius, he’s not worth much, so it would be like bleeding a housebrick dry.

Childs wasn’t the only target for his weedy ire. Sabel claimed that Darryn – and his magnificent variety pack stomach – makes him “angry” and accused the pap of playing up to the cameras, while Kerry Katona was branded as plain “nasty”.

“Kerry, I don’t want to be friends with Kerry Katona. At times she’s an entertainer, but I don’t like who she is,” he said.

Watch an absolutely nobody slag other z-listers here:

Posted: 23rd, August 2011 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink