
Anorak News | Bedford Doormat Fury: Bedfordshire Pilgrims Evict Man’s Mat

Bedford Doormat Fury: Bedfordshire Pilgrims Evict Man’s Mat

by | 24th, August 2011

TO Albert Street, Bedford, where the Bedfordshire Pilgrims Housing Association (BPHA) are attempting to evict a doormat form outside the front door of Lubin Reyes’ flat.

Tape has been placed across the doormat advising Mr Reyes to “move it or lose it”.

Says he in the Mail:

“I need to wipe the soles of my shoes dry or I might fall over in my house then that would be health and safety issue.”

BPHA says claims the doormat might cause someone to trip “in case of a fire”, or being, say, being pursued by a bear.

A stand off is underway. More doormat news when we get it…

Note: tht wold be the best silly season story of the summer were it not for this.

Posted: 24th, August 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink