
Anorak News | Oh God. One Of Jedward Has Got Married In The Big Brother House To Her From TOWIE

Oh God. One Of Jedward Has Got Married In The Big Brother House To Her From TOWIE

by | 24th, August 2011

ONE thing we were all counting on  in the BB House (ha! ‘All’ being ‘The three people actually watching Celebrity Big Brother) was that producers of the show were just desperate to drive a big fat wedge between Jedward, like taking a pair of shears to some conjoined twins.

Well, the ball is in motion, with Amy Childs and One Of Jedward (who cares which one) being ‘married’ in the house. With any luck, we’ll see Childs cruelly taking One Of Jedward’s virginity too, while The Other One From Jedward looks tearfully on.

You may mock, but it seems that she’s planning to do exactly that. Talking in code, she promised to One Of Jedward that they can have a spray tan “whenever he needs one”.

Dirty bugger.

You can watch this grotesque union here, while daydreaming of the uncontrollable sobbing that will occur when the matrimonial rutting takes place later in the week.

Amy Childs Caprice

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Posted: 24th, August 2011 | In: TV & Radio 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink