The EnglandVaarders Meet The Non-Nazi Prince Harry: Photos
PRINCE Harry spent the day meeting with members of the Suffolk Foundation and families of participants taking part in the The EnglandVaarders rowing escapade from Holland to the shores of Sizewell, Suffolk. Yep. People row across the North Sea for fun – ok, charity.
Harry met the families of four British men who recreated the epic escape from Nazi-occupied Holland. Anorak can understand why you do it when the Nazis are on your arse, but doing it when you don’t need to is odd. Maybe the thrill was in meeting Harry? And, no, he wasn’t dressed as a Nazi…
The EnglandVaarders were 32 young Dutchmen who rowed across mined seas.
Posted: 24th, August 2011 | In: Royal Family 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink