Big Brother Eviction Night! Who Is Going And Do You Even Care?
TONIGHT is eviction night in the Celebrity Big Brother house, which essentially means that some sleb-pleb will find out how high their stock is with the general public… or indeed, how low it is.
There’s a certain level of arrogance that is required for a celebrity to enter the Big Brother house. First of all, you have to believe that you’re famous enough to warrant a place next to such luminaries like Tara Reid and Paddy Doherty who is a gypsy who someone pointed a camera that didn’t belong to News At Ten.
And so, we’re faced with the first eviction and it’s a dog-fight between Kerry Katona and her prawn ring, Sally Bercow and her poshery and Bobby Sabel and his… er… face.
Chances are, Katona will stay in, largely thanks to the fact that people have actually heard of her. There’s also a chance that she will have a certain amount of sympathy from some viewers because she’s so clearly a damaged woman trying to sort her life out via the unyielding glare of the camera.
So that leaves us with Bobby and Bercow.
While Sabel has been nothing but a little bitch, whining about his fellow housemates, he does have looks on his side. Chances are, people will want him in just on the off-chance he’ll walk around with no shirt on. Besides, people like a bitch, because it gives the impression of ‘good telly’. Which it isn’t.
That leaves Sally Bercow who is, regrettably for her, old. Young people make up the vast majority of the voters in this show and she’s just too past it and desperate to appear down with the kids, which means that she’ll not be able to garner enough affection from the dithering button punchers sat at home, all trying to determine the outcome of something that is insultingly pointless.
So we’ve set our stall out. Do you remotely care enough to disagree?
Posted: 26th, August 2011 | In: TV & Radio 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink