
Anorak News | Hurricane Bitch Hits New York: Photos Of A Nameless Muslim Storm

Hurricane Bitch Hits New York: Photos Of A Nameless Muslim Storm

by | 27th, August 2011

HURRICANE Irene is heading for New York. After the earthquake, now the hurricane. The hurricane is terrifying. Well, it would be were it not named. MSNBC contributor Touré says Hurricane Irene is a “bitch”. Familiarity breeds contempt. But all is not lost – President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Sasha and Malia, have cute short their vacation short Friday and return to the White House for a storm he described as potentially historic. Unless he can negotiate a peace. Hey, she’s called Irene. It’s not like a Muslim hurricane or something scary…


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Debbie Lamblaot struggles through a street flooded with seawater while trying to make her way to her home to check on damage Tropical Storm Irene in Fairhaven, Mass. Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011. Irene weakened to winds of 65 mph, below the 74 mph dividing line between a hurricane and tropical storm. The system was still massive and powerful, forming a figure six that covered the Northeast. It was moving twice as fast as the day before. (AP Photo/Winslow Townson)

Posted: 27th, August 2011 | In: Key Posts, Reviews Comments (17) | TrackBack | Permalink