
Anorak News | Are These Photos Of Sick Steve Jobs Fakes?

Are These Photos Of Sick Steve Jobs Fakes?

by | 27th, August 2011

STEVE Jobs is ill. How ill? Well, the Now former CEO of Apple has cancer. Anyone who has lived with a cancer patient nows how grim it can get. The weight loss is the visible sign of change. And the photos doing the rounds show a painfully thin Jobs. But as with many things on the internet, an argument develops that the photos may be fakes? Why anyone would make fake photos of an ill man is an odd one. But a voice on Reddit says the pictures are fake. Anorak would guess that the Reddit photoshop expert has not watched a love one get eaten by cancer, much less a vicious form of the disease that is attacking Jobs.

Jobs has done something to help others who are ill. You can read one story here. But he has never granstanded and showed us his suffering. He has never made a display of pain. In this age of the me, when the mollycoddled riot in London and the celebrities love to tell you of their trauma, inner demons and diseases – how special they are and unique their suffering – the truly ill don’t… Stoicism is not fashionable. But anyone who has seen a loved one die from cancer knows it endures.

Posted: 27th, August 2011 | In: Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink