
Anorak News | Puke, Sex And Boobs: Adele Is Opening Her Mouth Again

Puke, Sex And Boobs: Adele Is Opening Her Mouth Again

by | 6th, September 2011

ADELE is so hot right now. No, that’s not because she’s under five blankets and covered in VapoRub because she’s got yet another illness which has forced her to cancel some shows! We mean ‘hot’ in the figurative sense. We mean ‘she happens to be very popular at the moment in time’.

Of course, there’s fans who have been duped by her use of ‘real instruments’ and the fact she doesn’t look like one of The Saturdays into believing she’s The Real Deal and will be around forever with her ‘timeless music’, but then again, you could’ve said the same about Alisha’s Attic and no bugger remembers them.

Either way, while Adele has her platform, she’s right to use it. And now, she’s to star on the front cover of the October issue of Vogue UK. While she’s there, being all realer than contemporaries, she uses her position of influence to talk about the big stuff.

Like vomit and faeces.

“I puke quite a lot before going on stage. Though never actually on stage. But then, I shit myself before everything.”

She does take time to mention her weight, which of course, is the number one thing that people like to mention as distraction from her awful, BRIT School cod-soul.

“I’ve seen people where it rules their lives, who want to be thinner or have bigger boobs, and how it wears them down. And I don’t want that in my life. I have insecurities, of course, but I don’t hang out with anyone who points them out to me.”

Apart from journalists who constantly bring the issue up, eh?

Posted: 6th, September 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink