
Anorak News | Is Rihanna Is 2011’s Sexiest Woman? You Decide

Is Rihanna Is 2011’s Sexiest Woman? You Decide

by | 7th, September 2011

RIHANNA! You’ve pretty much seen all she has to offer, penetrative sex aside. Those leaked photos of her with no clothes on may have embarrassed her at the time, but since then, she’s blossomed into a fully blown exhibitionist.

Almost to saturation point where, sometimes, you almost wish she’d put some clothes on and stop talking about her various sexual needs.

However, she must be doing something right because she’s been declared the sexiest women of 2011!

Which poll? The poll hosted by Esquire magazine, who wanted to ask its readers the tough questions that were affecting the world right now. And thank God they’ve managed to find out who the sexiest star of the year is.

Now for a joke: Rihanna beat off Megan Fox, Katy Perry, Angelina Jolie and last year’s winner Christina Hendricks.

Pop fans will be thrilled to learn that she’s actually making some new music (we thought she’d forgotten) and is going back to the studio to record a follow up to her 2010 album ‘Loud’ (which, in fairness, is very good in places).

You’re still thinking about those leaked photographs aren’t you?


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Posted: 7th, September 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink