
Anorak News | Cigarette Thief Drops Loot Twice: CCTV Idiot Of The Day

Cigarette Thief Drops Loot Twice: CCTV Idiot Of The Day

by | 10th, September 2011

TO Boynton Beach , Florida, in pursuit of the cigarette thief who forgot to steal a decent swag bag.

You are about to see CCTV footage of a man stealing a load of smokes from the  Walgreen’s store on South Federal Highway just past 3 a.m. on Monday last.

His accomplice, a woman, has distracted the shop worker by requesting wart medicine. The man then pounces with the stealth of a walrus on a trampoline, selecting just the right kind of ciggies before dropping them all over the floor…

Posted: 10th, September 2011 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink