Jermaine Jackson Shocked At How Dead Michael Jackson Didn’t Look Very Well: Photos
THE JACKSONS are not a normal family. For starters, they had a belt-thrash happy pappy who tormented and bullied them ’til they sang like champions and, well, grew up warped.
Then, there’s the whole Michael thing. Michael Jackson was a man clearly unwell in the mind. And of course, his less-famous siblings were apparently keen to join him into the depths of insanery.
Why else did Jermaine Jackson named his daughter Jermajesty?
These days, Jermaine can’t decide whether to speak highly of his now dead brother, or indeed, slate him.
Currently, he’s telling the world that he was ever so shocked by his brother Michael’s skeletal appearance when he died. Of course, most humans look just great when they join the choir invisible.
Jermaine noted that his frail brother looked like someone who had been “ravaged by cancer or anorexia“.
He says:
“Michael was lying on a trolley in a hospital gown. I steadied myself, took a breath, and entered the side door to the right. I went over to the other side of Michael, reaching down to take his hand, rubbing his still-soft skin. I couldn’t believe how skeletal he was. He seemed half the size he had been a month earlier. If a stranger had walked into the room, they would have assumed he had been ravaged by cancer or anorexia.”
Then, in a completely normal move, he admits that he lifted one of Michael’s eyelids in order to “see” him one last time.
“I leant down and kissed him on the forehead, telling him I loved him. I found I couldn’t pull away. I lifted one of his eyelids because I wanted to look into his eyes, ‘see’ him one last time. I rested my forehead against his and wept.”
And why do we know all this? He’s got a book to promote called ‘You Are Not Alone: Michael Through A Brother’s Eyes‘. How very tasteful.
Posted: 12th, September 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink