
Anorak News | Sky News Breaks Down Hysterically During Paper Review

Sky News Breaks Down Hysterically During Paper Review

by | 13th, September 2011

ROLLING NEWS is a surreal thing to tackle at the best of times, but what happens when it breaks down into fits of hooting, gusset-dampening laughter?

Of course, it’s absolutely brilliant.

During the Sky News Paper Review, giggles abounded with Andrew Pierce, Kevin Maguire and Anna Botting during a story about George Osborne ALLEGEDLY taking cocaine with spanking prostitute Natalie Rowe.

After a smart-alec comment about the woman in the story not taking coke anymore, as she is a little on the rotund side, the reviewers throw composure out of the window and have to go to an early ad break to recover, despite the presenter, Anna Botting, desperately trying to get things back on track.

Posted: 13th, September 2011 | In: TV & Radio 11 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink