
Anorak News | Most Frightening Mug Shot Ever: Hell’s Caius Veiovis Wears Under Skin Bike Helmet (Photos)

Most Frightening Mug Shot Ever: Hell’s Caius Veiovis Wears Under Skin Bike Helmet (Photos)

by | 14th, September 2011

MUG Shot Of The Day features the face of Meet Caius Veiovis, a 31-year-old from Massachusetts arrested in connection with the murder and kidnap of three men: David Glasser, Edward Frampton and Robert Chadwell.

His co-defendent are Adam Halll and David Chalue.

Glasser was scheduled to testify at Hall’s trial. Hall is a leading member of a Massachusetts Hells Angels chapter already charged with kidnap, assault, intimidation, extortion and cocaine distribution.

As for the face… Well, the “666” is obvious and the face sex handlebars are novel. But the real triumph is the head, which features an under the skin helmet which ensures that Veiovis always rides safe…


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Posted: 14th, September 2011 | In: Key Posts, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink