
Anorak News | Robert Pattinson Isn’t Recording A Solo Album, Okay?

Robert Pattinson Isn’t Recording A Solo Album, Okay?

by | 21st, September 2011

TEENS, we have bad news for you. Really bad news. Robert Pattinson isn’t recording an album. You’re just going to have to go back to your shirtless photographs of him, your Twilight DVDs and continue to save your pocket money until you can afford a vampire glitter tongue compressor.

See, US Weekly reported wrongly that RPattz was itching to get into a studio and record his own songs. Alas, sources said that poor ol’ Rob was torn between being a thesp and his love of music.


Pattinson’s rep, says:

“The report is untrue. He is not working on an album right now.”

Please note the cute use of ‘right now’. That means, should Pattinson have a break from acting to pen his music, there’s a window for him to do it.

Sadly, for you fawning divs, you’ll have to settle for his previously recorded ‘Never Think‘ and ‘Let Me Sign‘ which appear on the Twilight soundtrack.

Yep – that is the music you hear and not the pounding a million pubescent hearts…


Posted: 21st, September 2011 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink