Who Is Cheryl Cole’s Soldier Lover?
JOIN the armed forces and win a chance to shag Cheryl Cole, Vera Lynn never made such an offer to Our Boys (and Girls), and her career is less starry for it.
The Daily Mirror continues to publicise its mawkish Pride of Britain Awards with Cheryl’s brave trip to Afghanistan.
Cheryl would have been braver had she visited Afghanistan as a holidaymaker, keen to show the world that beyond the bombs and the militants, the place has a few nice spots, a half-decent spa, hunky fellas and real people who actually live there.
Instead we get news that Chezza has pulled:
Cheryl has returned from Afghanistan with a twinkle in her eye – after taking a shine to a hunky British soldier.
See, lads. It’s all porn mags and dust fights.
The Girls Aloud star revealed she swapped numbers with the “gorgeous” young corporal during her four-day, morale-boosting trip to Helmand Province.
Says Cheryl, her morale boosted:
“Not only are the soldiers incredibly brave, a few were also incredibly cute. I actually came back with a phone number from one lad… although I think his talking to me was a dare. He started chatting to me after I’d been shot at during a training exercise. Obviously it wasn’t real ammunition but it was still terrifying. Anyway, I think I am going to call him this week and we’ll see what happens. I’m sure he’s not expecting me to ring but that’s why it’ll be funny – and that’s why I’m going to do it.”
One hope is that he doesn’t read the Daily Mirror and feel less than surprised when Cheryl calls in for a laugh. The other hope is that he doesn’t read the Daily Mirror and not get the call. That would be terrible.
Says Cheryl:
“Long-distance relationships are a nightmare – a big time difference is a killer because it’s just so hard to stay in touch.”
A Taliban with a massive gun and bigger grudge can also be a killer.
Cheryl adds:
“There really were so many handsome guys – even some of the girl soldiers were totally gorgeous. Loads of the girls are now following me on Twitter and tweeting me. It’s great.”
It’s a long way to go to swell your fan base, Cheryl. But if you can’t teach the lads about fighting, who can..?
Posted: 21st, September 2011 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts 9 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink