
Anorak News | Tony Bennett Says Sorry For Blaming America For 9/11

Tony Bennett Says Sorry For Blaming America For 9/11

by | 21st, September 2011

GUANTANAMERA! Guajira Guantanamera! Yep, Tony Bennett must’ve been a bit worried he was going to get shipped off to Guantanamo Bay for some special torture after he said that the whole 9/11 thing was the fault of America itself.

While promoting his new album, Duets II, on Howard Stern’s radio show, Bennett said that the U.S. was responsible for the September 11th attacks on New York and Washington, D.C.

“They flew the plane in, but we caused it.”

Bennett also remembered in that fuggy old brain of his that former president George W. Bush admitted to him that the war in Iraq was a mistake. The singer says Mr. Bush told him, “I think I made a mistake.”

Of course, you could argue that he’s absolutely correct because terrorist attacks tend to be a retaliation to something. However, America is incredibly jumpy when it comes to such matters and soon enough, Bennett had to back pedal as quickly as his frail old legs could manage.

He’s now apologised for his remarks, saying in a statement:

“There is simply no excuse for terrorism and the murder of the nearly 3,000 innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks on our country. My life experiences – ranging from the Battle of the Bulge (in World War II) to marching with Martin Luther King – made me a lifelong humanist and pacifist, and reinforced my belief that violence begets violence and that war is the lowest form of human behaviour.

“I am sorry if my statements suggested anything other than an expression of my love for my country, my hope for humanity and my desire for peace throughout the world.”

Sadly Tony, half of America isn’t listening and the other half is too busy creating effigies of you. Soz.

Posted: 21st, September 2011 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink