
Anorak News | Shock As German Gays Hate Pope!

Shock As German Gays Hate Pope!

by | 22nd, September 2011


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Pope Benedict XVI kisses a baby who was lifted into his popemobile before a mass in the Olympic stadium in Berlin, Germany, Friday, Sept. 23, 2011. Pope Benedict XVI is on a four-day official visit to his homeland Germany. (AP Photo/Gero Breloer)


THERE may be only one letter difference between pop and Pope, but the gays of Germany certainly know the difference.

While pop and poppers may give them the occasional headache, Pope Benedict is a whole new level of pain in the arse. And as such, his first official visit to his homeland is to meet strong opposition.

The Pontiff, in his funny red shoes like the David Bowie song, has made informal visits to Germany before, but this is his first official visit.

Up to 20,000 people, including gay rights campaigners, feminists, atheists and church abuse survivors, are expected to gather for a protest in Berlin. Meanwhile, the Pope is expected to completely disregard anything anyone says because he’s God’s best friend.

It’s not only the general public who are angry at him. Around 100 German MPs are boycott his speech in parliament. Splendid.

Ulla Burchardt, an SPD politician from Dortmund, told Der Spiegel:

“A head of state who disregards labour rights, women’s rights and the right to sexual self-determination should not be allowed to address the Bundestag.”

So what is ol’ Popey’s view?

“I am not here first and foremost… to follow particular political, or economic, aims but to meet the people and to speak to them about God.”

Sadly for the Pope, Berlin’s mayor Klaus Wowereit is openly gay. Sadly for gay people looking at Klaus to throw a custard pie in Benny’s face, he’s said that he will personally welcome the Pope to the capital.


Posted: 22nd, September 2011 | In: Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink